The Specification Language

In Quickstrom, the intended behavior of a web application is described in a specification language called Specstrom. It’s a propositional temporal logic with a functional expression language. Syntax-wise we try to keep the language close to JavaScript, although semantically it’s quite different.

This document is a high-level and informal walkthrough of the language. Have a look at the paper Quickstrom: Property-based Acceptance Testing with LTL Specifications if you’re interested in a more detailed description of the underlying temporal logic, called QuickLTL.


The top level construct in Quickstrom are linear temporal logic formulae, where you can describe how the state of the web application should be now and in the future.

For example, if we want x to be true in the current state, and y in the next state, we can express it like this:

x && next y

If we want x to be true zero or more states until y becomes true, we say:

x until y

These examples are formulae, where x and y are free variables, and next and until are temporal operators.


At a lower level we have an expression language, which is a functional language. We can do basic stuff like arithmetic and comparisons:

x + y

x >= (y - z)

Boolean expressions are automatically lifted to the formulae level. Here’s an expression (x > y) which is lifted into a formula (next ...):

next (x > y)


A selector is a CSS selector written inside backticks, which evaluates to a list of elements. For example, the following selector evaluates to a list of all button elements in a given state:


We can iterate over the list of elements and refer to attributes, properties, CSS styles, and more:

for b in `button` { b.textContent }

The example above evaluates to a list of strings.

If we’re only interested in the first element, we can directly select from it, as long as the list is not empty:


A selector’s evaluated is state-dependent, meaning that it can evaluate to different lists of elements depending on in which state it is evaluated.

In the following example, we might not get the same list for both selectors, so it could be true:

length(`button`) == 1 && next (length(`button`) == 2)


The elements we get by evaluating selectors are objects. We can refer to various things in those objects to read relevant state from the DOM:


is the element enabled?


is the element visible?


is the element interactable (e.g. clickable)?


is the element active?


a list of strings, based on the class attribute


a nested object with computed styles


a nested object with HTML element attributes

As a fallback, any other key is evaluated as a property on the corresponding runtime object of the element.

The Quickstrom expression `button`.textContent corresponds to the following JavaScript expression:


Let Bindings

In expressions and in formulae, we bind values to names using let. The general form is:

let name = expression; body

If we need many bindings, we can put them on separate lines:

let foo = 1;
let bar = 2;
let baz = 3;

Let is also supported as a top-level construct in source files.

Lazy Bindings

When expressions in let bindings are state-dependent, like those involving selectors, we don’t want the expression to be evaluated when bound. Instead we annotate the binding using a tilde prefix, meaning it’s a lazy binding:

let ~myButtons = `.btn`;

The expression, in this case `.btn`, is evaluated when another expression refers to myButtons and is itself evaluated. Different evaluations of myButtons may result in different values, depending in which state the evaluation occurs. For example, the formula next myButtons might not be equivalent to next (next myButtons).


When testing web apps using Quickstrom, we define propositions and ask Quickstrom to check them for us. A proposition is a formula defined at the top level. Useful propositions are state-dependent, so they are always bound lazily in practice.

Let’s say we have some proposition bound to prop. We could check it like so:

import quickstrom;

let ~prop = ...;

check prop with * when loaded?;

Read more about the check statement in the Check section.

Temporal Operators

In Quickstrom specifications, there are a bunch of built-in temporal operators:

  • next

  • always

  • until

There are also utility operators defined using the built-in temporal operators:


Let’s go through the operators and utility functions provided by Quickstrom with some more examples!


The formula next p says that the formula p is true in the next state.

But which state is “the next state”? It depends on which is the current state. Temporal operators are always in relation to the current state.


The formula always p says that the formula p is true in the current and all subsequent states.

As an example, in the following proposition we check that the heading is always "Home":

let ~title = `h1`.textContent;
let ~prop = always (title == "Home");


The formula p until q says that the formula p is true at least until the formula q is true.


  • It doesn’t matter if p is true or false once q is true. If we wanted that kind of exclusiveness, we could say p until (q && not p).

  • q can be true in the current state, in which case p never has to be true.

  • q only has to be true in one state, it doesn’t have to stay true forever. If we want it true forever, we could say p until (always q).

In the following example, we check that a loading indicator is shown until the page title is set correctly:

let ~title = `h1`.textContent;
let ~loading = `.loading`.textContent;
let ~prop = (loading == "Loading...") until (title == "Home");


The formula unchanged p says that p in the current state is equal to p in the next state. Or in other words, that p doesn’t change from this state to the next.

This operator is useful when expressing state transitions, specifying that a certain queried value should be the same both before and after a particular transition.

For instance, let’s say we have a bunch of top-level definitions, all based on DOM queries, describing a user profile:

let ~userName = ...;

let ~userProfileUrl = ...;

We can say that the user profile information should not change in a transition t by passing an array of those values:

let ~t = unchanged [userName, userProfileUrl]
    && ... // actual changes in transition


We must instruct Quickstrom what actions are allowed. Actions are declared at the top level using the action keyword.

action launchTheMissiles! = click!(`#launch`);

By convention, actions are suffixed with an exclamation mark. Events on the other hand are suffixed with a question mark, but still declared using the action keyword:

action launched? = changed?(`#launch-status`)
  when `#launch-status`.textContent == "Launched!";

Built-in Actions

The following actions and events are provided in the Quickstrom library:

  • click!

  • doubleClick!

  • clear!

  • focus!

  • keyPress!

  • enterText!

  • enterTextInto!

  • noop!

  • changed?

  • loaded?


Support for more actions should be added.

Action Preconditions

Actions can be constraint to only be applicable under certain preconditions. We use the when construct to express a precondition:

action launchTheMissiles! = click!(`#launch`) when canLaunch;

Many of the built-in actions in Quickstrom already have useful preconditions set, like click! only be applicable on elements that are interactable and enabled. This means that we don’t have to specify such basic preconditions. It’s more likely that preconditions will be domain-specific rules, if required at all.

Event Postconditions

Similar to action preconditions are event postconditions. They are used to declare an event that is only valid under certain conditions.

For instance, a DOM element might have changed, but only if it’s changed in a certain way we considered it a specific event. The launched? event we saw earlier is defined using a postcondition:

action launched? = changed?(`#launch-status`)
  when `#launch-status`.textContent == "Launched!";


We need to tell Quickstrom how to check a web application against a specification. We do that using the check statement, which has this general form:

check <props> with <actions> when <initial event>;

The placeholders work this way:


This is wildcard matcher on all bindings in the current file. You can either literally refer to the propositions you want (e.g. prop), or use a star to match against multiple propositions (e.g. prop_*).


Also a wildcard matcher, matching on actions declared in the current file. In many cases this is just *.

<initial event>

The name of the initial event. The checker waits until this event occurs before it starts performing actions. In many web applications scenarios it will be loaded?, but it might also be something more specialized.

As an example, we might end a specification with the following statement:

check prop* with * when loaded?;

State Machine Propositions

A powerful way of writing specifications is by expressing them as state machines. A transition is expressed as an assertion about the current state and another assertion about the next state. The state machine proposition says that one of the transitions are always taken.

Here’s an example based on a simple website with three pages:

let ~title = `h1`.textContent;

// Transitions

let ~goToAbout = title == "Home" && next title == "About";

let ~goToContact = title == "Home" && next title == "Contact";

let ~goHome = title != "Home" && next title == "Home";

// Proposition

let ~prop = always (goToAbout || goToContact || goHome);

The goToAbout, goToContact, and goHome transitions specify how the title of the page changes, and the prop thus describes the system as a state machine. It can be visualized as follows:

digraph foo {
  graph [ dpi = 300 ];
  edge [ fontname = "Open Sans" ];
  node [ fontname = "Open Sans Bold", margin = "0.5,0.5" ];

  Home -> About [ label = "goToAbout" ];
  Home -> Contact [ label = "goToContact" ];
  About -> Home [ label = "goHome" ];
  Contact -> Home [ label = "goHome" ];

Source Files

Specifications are written in source files with a .strom file extension. A file is a module, and the module name is the filename without the .strom. extension.

Other modules can be imported using the import <module name>; syntax at the top of a module. For instance, if we have a file foo.strom with the following contents:

let x = 1;

We can import the foo module from the bar module and refer to its bindings and actions:

import foo;

let y = x + 1;

The module system is very rudimentary. It works similarly as C header files with include guards. Bindings from transitively imported modules are also available. Continuing on the example above, if a third module imported the bar module, the x binding would also be in scope in baz.

Include Paths

Quickstrom has a list of include paths, i.e. directories in which it tries to find the files corresponding to imported modules. The current working directory is implicitly an include path.