
To check a web application against a specification, use the quickstrom check command. Supply the module name of the specification along with the origin URL.

$ quickstrom check \
   spec-module-name \

The origin can also be a local file:

$ quickstrom check \
   spec-module-name \

Cross-Browser Testing

Quickstrom currently supports these browsers:

  • Firefox (firefox)

  • Chrome/Chromium (chrome)

Unless specified, the default browser used is Firefox. To override, use the --browser option and set the appropriate browser when running the check command:

$ quickstrom check \
   --browser=chrome \
   ... # more options

You can also override which binary it uses when launching the browser:

$ quickstrom check \
   --browser=chrome \
   --browser-binary=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable \
   ... # more options