Installing with Nix

Follow these steps to install Quickstrom using Nix.


  • Nix (see for installation instructions and guides)

Installing with Nix

To install the quickstrom executable, use Cachix and Nix to get the executable:

$ cachix use quickstrom
$ nix-env -iA quickstrom -f


If the installation fails with “too many open files”, see How do I set the ulimit in a nix build shell?.

Verify that Quickstrom is now available in your environment:

$ quickstrom version

You need to run a WebDriver server for Quickstrom checks to work. This user documentation mostly uses GeckoDriver and Firefox, but you can use other browsers and WebDriver servers.

Install GeckoDriver using Nix:

$ nix-env -i geckodriver

You’re now ready to check webapps using Quickstrom.