Testing in GitHub Actions

Quickstrom can be run in a continuous integration (CI) workflow to find problems early. Here’s a configuration for GitHub Actions that checks a website on every commit to the main branch. It’s based on Domen Kožar’s gist. [1]

name: "Quickstrom integration tests"
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4

    # We use `install-nix-action` and `cachix-action` to quickly install
    # Quickstrom from a binary cache.
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v18
    - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
        name: quickstrom
    - run: nix-env -iA quickstrom -f https://github.com/quickstrom/quickstrom/tarball/0.5.0

    # Now, run tests! This assumes there's a file called
    # `example.strom` in the root of the GitHub repository.
    - run: quickstrom check example https://example.com --reporter=html --html-report-directory=report

    # Finally, we archive HTML report as an artifact. This
    # can be downloaded an inspected after failed checks.
    - name: Archive test results
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: test-report
        path: report

Replace the placeholder paths and URLs.

Next Steps

  • You might want to run tests in Chrome instead. See Checking for instructions on using other browsers.

  • If you’d like to check multiple specs and in multiple browsers, see matrix configurations in the GitHub Actions documentation.